100 commets needed: Click on the tombstone and leave a comment regarding SOETORO-OBAMA’s disconnect, disinterest and disrespect for men such as Debbie’s son: First U.S. Navy SEAL casualty in Iraq: Marc Alan Lee, AmericasMightyWarriors.org

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Sergeant of Marines James Bancroft with this forwarded email alert:

Debbie Lee, Marc’s mom writes:

Hey everybody I need your help ASAP. I just recieved this email from the author of the article. In order to get tons of media for America’s Mighty Warriors so that we can spread the word to continue to support our troops and the families of the fallen we need at least 100 comments on the article. It needs to be done now though. Please post a comment and then send this to everyone you know.

Thank you, thank you for your support.

Love ya,


Debbie, Chrissy, Lloyd and Anne:

Debbie’s article just published on the EXAMINER at the link below – I will also publish it today on AllRight Magazine and AllVoices.

You need to do the following to make this press release and your event success.

All on-line news is a web-page – if you don’t promote it, no one will read it except editors and ppl who don’t count.

1. You need to get 100 comments on the EXAMINER page by Thursday noon. That’s when the article gets pulled from my #1 personal spot. I don’t get a choice.

2. You need to put the link on your web-page right now, on facebook, start tweeting it and keeping it alive.


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Points of contact

Debbie Lee can be reached by sending an email to americasmightywarriors@gmail.com.

AmericasMightyWarriors.org offers its contributions to help the families of our heroes.

Donations can be made online at www.americasmightywarriors.org/donate.html

More regarding The ‘Expendable Obama’! (click here)

3 Responses to “100 commets needed: Click on the tombstone and leave a comment regarding SOETORO-OBAMA’s disconnect, disinterest and disrespect for men such as Debbie’s son: First U.S. Navy SEAL casualty in Iraq: Marc Alan Lee, AmericasMightyWarriors.org”

  1. Patti McElligott Says:

    It is an insult to our serviceman and women that have given their lives for our freedoms that the person that calls himself our president, (yet refuses to provide proof of his naturak born citizenship,) does nothing to support them, thank them and help teach others to know what the true meaning of Memorial Day is.
    America is the greatest Country on this earth and we have the freedoms that we have because of our Military.

  2. nobarack08 Says:

    Thank you Jag – a smart salute to you sir.

  3. A pen Says:

    It is a difficult thing to put two opposing mentions on the page where timeless honor is the order of the day. I doubt Marc ever had the two thoughts that close together except when facing an enemy.

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