Corruption in Monroe County Tennessee (continued)

Friday, 10 September 2010

Vonore Tennessee Mayor Larry Summey (left) — Monroe County Democrat Party Chair Charles Miller (right)

Video report (click here)


Mr. Tim Fasano–running for the U.S. Senate in Nevada–called my attention to Tuesday’s Monroe County arrests of Larry Summey and Charles Miller. I was working on the Colonel Lakin report below at the time so I’m just catching up now. Thank you Tim for the heads up!


Monroe County Tennessee Sheriff Bill Bivens was placed under Citizen’s arrest on Thursday, 1 April 2010 in part due to reports that Bivens was forcing County Jail inmates to work at Sheriff Biven’s residence.

Other reports supporting Sheriff Bivens Citizen’s arrest accused Sheriff Bivens of forcing inmates to work on private property owned by Democrat friends to include Democrat Party Chairman Charles Miller.

Bivens’ forced labor using County Jail inmates to provide personal services for friends and family is common knowledge in and around Monroe County (see the YouTube clip above).

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation began their investigation of inmate abuse three months after Bivens’ 1 April Citizen’s arrest. But only when Sharon Rondeau (editor of The Post & Email ) publicized the report of Bivens’ inmate abuse online (click here).

Sharon aggressively reports on  the legendary corruption in  Monroe County Tennessee at The Post & Email.

Although Tennessee State and federal law enforcement officials continue to ignore the Citizen’s arrest of Monroe County Sheriff Bill Bivens, his arrest remains in place undisturbed.

Of course, neither Tennessee State nor federal law enforcement officials see fit to arrest Sheriff Bivens under their own authority.

Allow me to observe that Larry Summey remains today the Mayor of the City of Vonore Tennessee. He has not resigned his position. Larry Summey has not been forced to resign.

No worries in the Summey homestead should Larry lose his public sector job and income.

Paulette Summey, Mrs. Larry Summey, remains unencumbered toc arry on the Summey legacy of public service.

Paulette Summey presently serves as Executive Assistant to Mr. Tim Yates.

Mr. Yates took office 9 days ago as Mayor of Monroe County Tennessee (that includes the City of Vonore).

The level of corruption in Monroe County Tennessee is massive.

Forcing the slave-labor of County Jail inmates sits at the lower end of a criminal adventure that exposes in our own back yards the naked exercise in the overthrow of  our constitutional form of government.

Monroe County Tennessee is the very model that makes plain the scope and operation of government corruption in the community.

TREASON right next door!

You don’t make this stuff up.

3 Responses to “Corruption in Monroe County Tennessee (continued)”


  2. Brenda C. Parker Says:

    I grew up in monroe county and have been screeming this most of my life glad someone else is finally seeing just a glimpse of the things that go on in this county.

  3. nina talley Says:

    omg let us hang them for helping clean up vonore, caused by old folks yards that are unkept eye sores in town. i don’t care how anyone is related…just take care of our precious elderly towns folk that supported our city for so long. i’d rave about them, if they took care of my mother’s property that she is no longer able to maintain. sounds like the criticism is all political and not practical or even spiritual. how sad.

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