OBAMA’S TREASON: Judge Royce Lamberth deflects formal sworn criminal complaints naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON!

Thursday, 1 September 2011

D.C. Federal District Judge Royce Lamberth


Federal District Judge Royce Lamberth’s ruling this week regarding the CIVIL ACTION naming OBAMA in commission of a civil offense is not news.

Lamberth has been treacherously protecting OBAMA since 2 July 2009.

Lamberth’s summer 2009 writing is the forcing function leading to attempts to advance formal sworn criminal complaints naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON through a Tennessee State Grand Jury and two federal Grand Juries sitting in Knoxville, Tennessee ever since .

On 2 July 2009 Royce Lamberth ruled the federal criminal complaint (link) naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON that originated from a commissioned officer with standing in the United States armed forces (dated 17 March 2009) was meritorious but not actionable in Lamberth’s D.C. Federal District Court.

Lamberth’s summer 2009 writing is the forcing function leading to attempts to advance the criminal TREASON complaint in state and federal courts and Grand Juries in Tennessee State since August 2009.

Note well that the Tennessee State Court also found the criminal complaint for TREASON meritorious but not actionable.

10 Responses to “OBAMA’S TREASON: Judge Royce Lamberth deflects formal sworn criminal complaints naming OBAMA in commission of TREASON!”

  1. ANNE Says:

    I firmly agree, Obama has committed so outrages charges against the Constitution, and he and his administration are just laughing at we the people. Obama should be in prison or deported to his country of origin, I do not think Obama was born in this county, and his birth certificate is forged.

  2. Mac Says:

    In October 2009 US District Court Judge Todd Campbell (Clinton appointee) in Nashville TN also ruled against taking any action against Obama’s fraud and treason by regurgitating Lamberth’s ruling. It is published in the court’s rulings.

  3. […] stated on his blog that “Lamberth has been treacherously protecting OBAMA since 2 July 2009.”  However, […]

  4. […] Lt. Commander Walt Fitzpatrick (Ret) has done extensive work to expose the numerous commissions of treason committed by Barack Obama, […]

  5. bill Says:

    The good judge still appears to be playing “peekaboo”

  6. ANNE Says:

    In legal terms what does “he has no standing mean”?

  7. What is wrong with so many “suck ups” to Obama? I can see they are just about as useless as a teet on a bull. Please do not tell me that Obama gave them 40 acres and a mule!! The narrow minded Aholes will get what is comming to them. What a corrupted country we have and all because of one half breed that knows he can lie better than anyone. Obama is a disgrace and these morons are just as low as Obama. Betty

  8. I left you my comment so now you know that American is getting pretty dam sick of Obama and your behavior. Betty

  9. ANNE Says:


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