Lieutenant Colonel Lakin’s Defense More Completely Constructed

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

JAG HUNTER here with Sergeant of Marines Timothy Joseph Harrington:

Major General Carla G. Hawley Bowland and Colonel Denise R. Lind are behind a ruling in the Lakin attainder Court-martial handed down last Thursday (2 September).

Bowland and Lind–both staff corps officers–report to us that the United States military doesn’t need a civilian president as commander in chief in the exercise of military force.

Ruling on Motions – LTC Lakin (click here – save to file – then open from your computer)

Boiled down to its essential aspect Hawley-Bowland and  Lind are prepared to act on their own authority to incarcerate Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, if for no other reason, so as not to embarrass the thug, punk criminal occupying the White House.

This represents a counter-argument to the Hawley-Bowland/Lind writing.


Infiltrator Soetoro-Obama’s Treason against the United States Constitution manifests a clear and present danger.

Soetoro-Obama’s armed opposition to the Constitution works at installing a competing, rival and totalitarian regime. Soetoro-Obama’s decapitation of a civilian commander in chief represents a constitutional emergency.

SOBama’s war on the Constitution, his open rebellion against the United States–his Treason threatens our American way of life.

Soetoro-Obama was in residence in the White House only forty-nine days when SOBama issued “palpably” illegal orders deploying 23 U.S. Army military policemen  into the small Alabama town of Samson (click here).

SObama’s Alabama adventure issuing illegal orders actively “pervaded the activities of civilian law enforcement officials” and “subjected [American Citizens] to the exercise of military power that was regulatory, proscriptive and compulsory in nature.”

Under SOBama’s orders Army troops forcibly restricted “the freedom of movement of civilian persons.”

SOBama hourly commits Treasonous acts against the United States enjoying extraordinary success in the destruction of our American way of life.

Last September SOBama the infiltrator assumed the title and duties of the principal officer of a principal “organ” of the United Nations (click here).

In discussions with Marine Sergeant Timothy Joseph Harrington, Tim pointed out that SOBama’s accepting a foreign government position under the United Nations flag perfectly demonstrates an act of TREASON.

A legitimate president of the United States can not during term of office collaterally hold any other government position under the constitution of a foreign sovereign state.

SObama can not be at the same time president of the United Nations Security Council and president as commander in chief of the United States of America.

SOBama’s September 2009 swearing in as president of the U.N. Security Council set an international precedent. SObama proclaimed the United States chief executive and commander in chief can be a citizen of any county. In this act of Treason SObama reduced America (and its armed forces) to state status under the U.N. secretary general and U.N. constitution (its charter).


SOBama and his treasonous partners are subjecting Americans and the United States Constitution to death by a thousand cuts.

SOBama and his treasonous partners are all about the wholesale extermination of United States Sovereignty.

There are military governors in SOBams’s wild bunch–COMMAND RACKETEERS–like Army Major-General Carla G. Hawley-Bowland and Colonel Denise Lind who are no more obedient to the United States Constitution than the Traitor-Infiltrator SOBama.

Lieutenant Colonel Lakin’s Defense More Completely Constructed

You must comprehend, as it stands, we citizens of the United States must know SOBama is a Treasonous foreign-born Domestic Enemy.

No one can credibly claim ignorance.

Our silence as an American people–manifested in our impotence to oust SOBama as a treasonous infiltrator–is our agreement before the international community that the United States Constitution is formally abandoned.

In was in the environment of SOBama’s war against the Constitution described above that U.S. Army Doctor Terrence Lakin stood up and spoke out.

Last week Convening Authority Major-General Carla G. Hawley-Bowland and military hearing officer Denise R. Lind acted together in aiding and abetting SOBama in his treasonous war on America.

In ruling upon Colonel Lakin’s defense Lind and Bowland betrayed Doctor Lakin, they betrayed themselves, they betrayed us, they betrayed the Constitution, and they betrayed our Country.

(Ruling on Motions – LTC Lakin (click here – save to file – then open from your computer)

We shall here more completely construct Colonel Lakin’s defense (his defense of America) while exploiting an opportunity to eviscerate the Bowland-Lind’s ruling.

Doctor Lakin challenged SOBama at a point in time when SOBama was a confirmed and self-confessed Traitor.

The magnitude of SoBama’s Treason had become legendary.

Colonel Lakin enjoys the protection of criminal complaints filed by other commissioned officers of the United States armed forces signed under oath  naming SOBama a Traitor.

Military officers holding standing acted against SOBama naming the infiltrator a Traitor before Colonel Lakin acted.

SObama’s silent admission taken together with SOBama’s written confession in Treason protects Colonel Lakin in further naming SOBama an illegitimate commander in chief.

Said differently: SOBama’s near total silence regarding questions going to his legitimate command of the Unites States Armed forces invited, maybe even emboldened Colonel Lakin to act.

It was in any event Colonel Lakin’s duty!

SOBama’s intransigence has certainly emboldened others to do their duty.

It remains a basic military duty, designed in part for the benefit of subordinates, to challenge the authority of superior officers when that authority is in question.

The “superior officer” must be one authorized to give the order; else indeed his command would not be a lawful one. (Winthrop’s Military Law and Precedents, p. 577)

It is of no consequence that Colonel Lakin advances a different theory in charging SOBama criminally than those criminal charges naming SOBama advanced by other commissioned officers.

Timely and uncounted challenges to the constitutional validity of the SOBama’s standing as commander in chief were in place fully a year before Colonel Lakin’s.

Most challenges go unanswered. But one criminal charge of Treason is conceded (unlawful deployment of Army troops into Samson, Alabama – click here).

Many criminal complaints naming SOBama, no matter their status, pre-date Colonel Lakin’s actions.

De facto commander in chief?

Lind’s and Bowland’s assertion that SOBama is a de facto commander in chief is  unsustainable and deadly.

Bowland and Lind report to us that the United States military doesn’t need a civilian president as commander in chief in the exercise of military force!

But for the soldier, sailor or Marine there can be no question, no doubt whatsoever regarding the legitimacy of the commander in chief.

All the duties of his life (the soldier’s) are according to the theory of military obedience, absorbed in that one duty of obeying the command of the officer set over him…” (Winthrop and others p. 571).

Lind and Bowland’s dangerous assertion–trotting out the government position that SOBama may be in fact an illegitimate commander in chief–only works to excite the full fury and focus of military subordinates.

Lind and Bowland dig deeper as they opine it is “impossible” for Lakin’s court-martial assembly to “undertake independent resolution of whether [SOBama]…is qualified under the Constitution” to command American forces.

In fact, resolving SOBama’s Treason stands as Bowland’s and Lind’s first duty.

An “order” is an Executive mandate. (Winthrop, p. 576)

“…All military authority and discipline are derived from one source—the Sovereign, so in our army every superior, in giving a lawful command, acts for and represents the President as the Commander-in-chief and Executive power of the Nation, and the source from which [the senior officers’] appointment and authority proceed. Hence the dignity and significance of a formal military order and hence the gravity of the obligation which it imposes upon the inferior to whom it is addressed.” (Winthrop on page 572)

An illegal order emanating from the president can confer no authority. A command not lawful may be disobeyed, no matter from what source it proceeds. (Winthrop, p.  575)

And with that “there is nothing better settled, as well by the civil and military laws, that neither officers nor soldiers are bound to obey any illegal order of their superior officers, but on the contrary it is their bounden duty to disobey them”…no illegal act can be justified, no matter how high the source from which it emanates, by an order from a superior authority. The soldier is still a citizen, and as such is always amenable to the civil authority. (Winthrop with others, p. 575)

Bowland and Lind admit even they don’t know whether SOBama is legitimate! But they’re going to Court-martial Colonel Lakin anyway.

Huh? How can this be?

Courts-martial are creatures of orders! (Winthrop, pg. 49)

Bowland and Lind don’t know for themselves whether SOBama’s orders are legal in a situation where both officers are duty-bound to KNOW from where their authority flows.

Bowland and Lind treasonously evade their duty by describing the dilemma on the table as a “political” or “policy” question when–in reality–the question regarding the source and nature of orders is supremely military in concept and concern!

No other obligation must be put in competition with obedience to orders; neither parental authority, nor religious scruples, nor personal safety, nor pecuniary advantages from other services. All the duties of his life (the soldier’s) are according to the theory of military obedience, absorbed in that one duty of obeying the command of the officer set over him…” (Winthrop and others p. 571).

Detachable Links

Bowland and Lind’s opinion regarding the chain of command is irreconcilable with that of Colonel Winthrop’s.

Colonel Winthrop clearly and repeatedly asserts the authority of military officers to issue orders and the concomitant duty of military service members to obey such lawful orders depends directly upon whether the president as commander in chief is qualified under the Constitution to command.

Lind and Bowland sail a reverse course by claiming officers subordinate to the commander in chief enjoy an  “independent authority” to issue “lawful” orders.

Lind and Bowland manifest their belief in an “independent authority” to issue “lawful” orders by proceeding independently in the Court-martial of Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin based solely upon their own authority

Ruling on Motions – LTC Lakin (click here – save to file – then open from your computer)

Lieutenant Colonel Scott Weil wasn’t acting on his own authority as he led his military policemen into Samson, Alabama back in March 2009.

Lind and Bowland repeatedly claim in their ruling that they themselves are allowed to issue orders on their own authority “whether or not SOBama is a natural born citizen or is qualified under the Constitution” to command U.S. forces.

Bowland and Lind report to us that the United States military doesn’t need a civilian president as commander in chief in the exercise of military force!

As unsettling as their view regarding the American military’s chain of command Lind and Bowland continue to incite even greater fear.

Lind and Bowman tell us we’re not even allowed to explore the question about SOBama’s outlawry in the face of “an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political policy decision already made.”

Lind and Bowland explain that the “potential for embarrassment” to the infiltrator SOBama triumphs over very real concerns and questions regarding the outrageously illicit criminal conduct of Barack Obama and SOBama’s criminal assistants.

Recall that in the late 1930’s and into the early 1940’s officers of the German army embraced “an unusual need for unquestioning adherence to a political policy already made.”

Boiled down to its essential aspect Major General Carla G. Hawley Bowland and Colonel Lind are prepared to act on their own authority to incarcerate Lieutenant Colonel Terrence Lakin, if for no other reason, so as not to embarrass the thug, punk criminal occupying the White House

We as an American people must not let Colonel Lakin be led to a military prison.

We, just as much as Doctor Lakin, are duty bound to resolve the question regarding Barack Hussein Obama’s TREASON now before us.

Here endth the lesson!

Source note: Military Law and Precedents: A Martial Law Classic

“Written by William Winthrop (1831 – 1899), Colonel, United States Army, this second edition (1895) is the revision and enlargement of the work. This comprehensive treatise details early military law [and martial law], written and unwritten, and explains the intricacies of the courts martial process. It remains the most important historical reference source for military justice practitioners. It is still frequently cited by military appellate courts. It has been called ‘a masterpiece of painstaking scholarship, brilliant erudition, and lucid prose.”

Colonel Winthrop formally held the position of Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army

11 Responses to “Lieutenant Colonel Lakin’s Defense More Completely Constructed”

  1. kingratfish Says:

    I firmly stand with Col Lakin, Obama aka Soetoro is a foreign born domestic eemy of the United States of America. He is a puppet administrator of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION an unlawful resolution of the criminal element organized to take control of “We the People” and render the Constitution null and void. Obama aka Soetoro has transferred authority to the United Nations and International Banking Cartel. Obama aka Soetoro has conspired to comfort and aide the enemies of the United States and is transforming our Republic of Law into a Socialist Marxist Regime. Obama aka Soetoro is guilty of high treason and needs to be prosecuted and his minions arrested for crimes of treason against the people of the United States. All Congressionals and Representatives that have ignored the great voice of the people and have not defended the Constitution, either by ignorance or corrupt compliance of the criminal conspiracy to over throw our Republic are enemies of the United States people. All Patriots must stand firm against tyranny to preserve our nation and remove public servants that do not honor the oath of office and serve the people of this great nation. Prepare and be willing to engage against the tentacles of Socialism that will use force to achive their criminal objective. Nullification and recall are the only peaceful means left to remove traitors from office. I fear that bloodshed will be necessary in order that Liberty and Freedom remain. Remove all congressionals and criminal elements from office now, do not wait until November. Stop the unlawful acts and CZARS from their commitments in legislative tyranny and Socilist groups from gaining control over the regulatory and administrative offices of our nation. Refuse to cooperate and force elected representatives to engage against them, or remove them from office. Ask not if one is “willing to die for their country” but rather “are they willing to kill for their country.” All illegal elements must be stopped and unlawful EO’s aborted. Individual and State Sovereignty must be exersized and treasonous elected officials forced to resign in order to preserve the Republic.Patriots do not allow the criminals in the military or public office to “rail-road” Col Lakin: He is one of the few and proud heros of our decade.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Digg Retweets and Crussell, Tricia. Tricia said: JAG HUNTER & Sergeant of Marines w/ more completely constructed defense 4 Lt Col Lakin #military #teaparty #tcot #digg […]

  3. EricR Says:

    It is amazing the lengths to which the system of law can be twisted to suit an illegal outcome. All the technicalities do not alter the one simple fact, Obama is illegally holding the office of president. The courts are simply defending an illigitimate president by way of technical obfuscation. Their raising a maze to protect a congress that has betrayed the constitution is far worse an act than can be corrected by vote or trial. It is wholesale attack on the nations core and betrayal of all 234 years of her history. That act deserves no quarter, none.

  4. Jb Says:

    What can be done now??

  5. Petition MD Senators to fight for Lt Colonel Lakin

    This petition will be presented to Senators Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin, to get them to act on behalf of Lt. Colonel Terrence Lakin. Lakin is currently being held in their jurisdiction and the judge that denied Colonel Lakin the evidence, to prove his case against Obama’s ineligibility, says that this is a matter for Congress to decide, not the courts. This is why I am petitioning Senators, Mikulski and Cardin, to stand up and defend the oath that they took as elected officials, to uphold the Constitution. The judge went as far as to say, that allowing this evidence, might
    “EMBARRASS” the President. Excuse me, you’ve got to be kidding?

    Please sign this petition and show your support for Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin. He is a brave, courageous man and needs our help and support. He shouldn’t be punished, for doing exactly what he swore an oath, to uphold.

  6. Jan Says:

    obama’s latest Executive Order, has no number attached, becomes effective 9/30/10 and makes changes to Court Martial, but the changes are not posted.
    Has anyone found what the changes are?

  7. Issue: Obama signed an Executive Order 13489 the first day in office hiding his personal records. However, TITLE 44 – CHAPTER 22 – § 2201 does not include protection of personal records; only Presidential Records as managed by the Archivist. Obama clearly ties himself to the election fraud and conspiracy crime as laid out through complicity between Nancy Pelosi and the Secretary of the DNC as they certified the Official Certification of Nomination on file in the SOE’s Office in Colorado (time stamped in at August 28th 2008). As such, he is an initial conspirator equal to the initial players. This, in legal terms, is intention to deceive and it has become prima facie evidence on its face value in the Lt. Colonel Lakin case. Solve the Crime committed by Pelosi, and Alice Germond before trying to try Lakin. A crime resulting from an unknown prior crime is not necessarily a crime to begin with. It is lackin in the eyes of the law.

    Something is amiss and Obama is in the middle of it.

  8. […] Lieutenant Colonel Lakin’s attainder court-martial (click here and click here). […]

  9. […] it won’t last by the next decade — just look at our military, sitting on the sidelines when LTC Terry Lakin was put through the wringer in his kangaroo Court Martial. I thought the whole military would rise […]

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