YOUR OCTOBER SURPRISE! I’ll leave it to the readers’ imagination what else judges can do from the bench in an environment wherein there is no law enforcement to stop the judge or to protect you.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Dictator Carroll L. Ross during a 28 June 2010 arraignment hearing in the Monroe County Courthouse!

Something wicked this way comes (click here)

Tennessee Judges J. Reed Dixon, Amy Armstrong Reedy, Carroll L. Ross and Jon Kerry Blackwood are criminals.

The crimes of J. Reed Dixon, Amy Armstrong Reedy, Carroll L. Ross and Jon Kerry Blackwood are actionable in Tennessee State only by an independent and lawful Grand Jury.

No independent and lawful Grand Juries exist in Tennessee State.

J. Reed Dixon, Amy Armstrong Reedy, Carroll L. Ross and Jon Kerry Blackwood along with other Tennessee State judges and government officials murdered Tennessee’s Grand Juries decades ago.

I have reason to believe it was K(C)athy Pendleton who told me yesterday no Tennessee law enforcement agencies can on their own authority open even a homicide investigation when the murderer is  suspected to be a Tennessee judge.

Special Agent Pendleton works out of the Chattanooga office of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation – Criminal Investigation Division. Yesterday’s phone conversation is recorded and distributed publicly elsewhere.

Tennessee judges like J. Reed Dixon, Amy Armstrong Reedy, Carroll L. Ross and Jon Kerry Blackwood can commit any crime against you or your family they wish from the bench, and walk away cleanly.

I’ll leave it to the readers’ imagination what else judges can do from the bench in an environment wherein there is no law enforcement to stop the judge or to protect you.

People in my Tennessee community are scared to death!

In our human history we’ve come to describe the state of affairs in Tennessee as a Dictatorship. We’ve identified people like Tennessee State judges as Dictators.



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6 Responses to “YOUR OCTOBER SURPRISE! I’ll leave it to the readers’ imagination what else judges can do from the bench in an environment wherein there is no law enforcement to stop the judge or to protect you.”

  1. Annie Says:

    Their time is coming to an end. The people are coming and they are going to take back their country from Washington on down. Thats right from the top down. Americans are not going to take it any longer and after the elections the people Will rise up and unite and the filth will start to be thrown out. There are going to be alot of jobs availabe for the honest AMERICAN.

  2. Randy McTurnan Says:

    I totally agree with you, as far as the abuse of power by Judges. Here in SE Missouri, especially in the county I live in, Stoddard, a mere rumor can get your kids taken away. There is a high incidence of children being seized by the state due to one particular circuit judge here. People are being thrown into jail over insignificant reasons, and charges against people that were minor are ballooned into something more serious. Homes are searched without warrants for no good reason. And, it costs a fortune to get out of it, or you have to have a very good lawyer, you are basically screwed if you get the public defender.
    And, no such thing as fair in this county. They just finished a new “justice center”, here and a new county admin building. It all has to do with money. Children are being hauled off to alternative school for really minor offenses. If your kid doesn’t go, the Gestapo comes after you. This has to stop somewhere, but where do we as citizens draw the line?

  3. Read up on Judge, Jury and Executioner. This is like the mid-east world. Catch the perpetrator, ask a questin; sorry, wrong answer — Bang Bang –by by birdie. We did away with this in the 1700’s. You will probably have to engineer a case to pit the State against the Feds and let them fight it out. That has been their tactics against the citizens. Engineered law decisons to get where they want to be in control.

  4. Sandra Lee Smith Says:

    Considering we have an administration that’s totally shredding and ignoring the Constitution and rule of law, I don’t suppose this is any great surprise; and we’ve had judges legislating from their benches for quite some time now. That doesn’t make it right, and frankly, I’m pretty much out of peaceful ideas for how to stop them all, at this point.

  5. Randy McTurnan Says:

    Federal judges are probably the most difficult to remove since they are appointed by the president. And state Judges by the governor. Local Judges can be eliminated by voting them out the next election or they do something to dishonor the office. Federal lackies are the most dangerous, as recently as last week when a Fed judge just up and said that Gays can serve openly in the military, everywhere. That is a little to much power for one judge to throw around. He is not the Supreme Court, so how can he get away with dictating law to all 50 states and the military overseas, or anywhere? He is a lowly district judge based out of Riverside Ca. Something smells like roadkill and it’s got a Judge written all over it..

  6. Randy McTurnan Says:

    I see another Civil War within 10 to 15 years, anyone wanna wager?

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