From Sea To Shining Sea by Ron Ewart

Monday, 16 August 2010

From Sea To Shining Sea

A YouTube Video By Ron Ewart, President National Association of Rural Landowners and nationally recognized author on freedom and property rights issues.

© Copyright August 16, 2010 – All Rights Reserved

Several years ago, we wrote an article entitled “From Sea To Shining Sea” that emphasized the positive attributes of America and her people.

Rather than re-publish the article, we decided to set it to a YouTube video. There are so many in America who speak openly about how bad America is, including our president.  They apologize for her and berate her for her mistakes, instead of trumpeting her great accomplishments and what she has given to the rest of the world.     Right at this very moment, our military is ferrying in relief supplies to the people of flood-ravaged Pakistan, this in spite of the vicious and brutal Taliban that kill our troops, which Pakistan tends to shield and provide refuge.  What other nation would do this?  America has freed over a billion people from brutal regimes at great human cost to our men and women in uniform and we provide assistance to the people of nations around the world, in times of natural disaster.  We conquered Japan and Germany in World War II and then set about to rebuild them.   Who else but America would make such an act of restitution?   No, America is not perfect and sometimes we flaunt our greatness in the face of other nations.  Some of us are arrogant and think we are better than others, when in fact, we aren’t better, we just found a better way to live, under the umbrella of freedom, that is if the current gaggle of progressive geese that now occupy Washington DC, don’t destroy her.   In spite of the arrogant among us, America and her people ARE exceptional in all respects and it is high time we started building up America, instead of tearing her down.  It was our intent to reflect on the positive aspects of America in our video.  We hope you find it meaningful and maybe even a little inspirational.   Pass it around if you deem it worthy.

Take care,


Ron Ewart

4 Responses to “From Sea To Shining Sea by Ron Ewart”

  1. Lisa Says:

    Part of the problem is that we don’t have the government we ‘think’ we have:

    In case you’re wondering what they’ve used their self-granted powers for:

    Much of this can be found in Supreme Court opinions. What I’ve never understood is why the Provost Marshal’s office doesn’t enforce the judgements. A court with no active Marshal is just a useless windbag; easily ignored. But then I’m still trying to find Fedzilla’s paper trail for how the Marshal’s offices of the several states became the ‘US Marshals’.

  2. chasbeau Says:

    Walter sure has been quiet lately.

    Inquiring minds want to know …

  3. Tony Says:

    As D-Day approaches Walt. I thought you’d enjoy seeing some statistics:
    “An estimated 88,500 inmates reported one or more incidents of sexual victimization by another inmate or facility staff during 2008 and 2009”

    Pack the lube bitch.

  4. Jacqlyn Smith Says:

    The call tonight with Dr. Livingston and others was awesome….if you missed it you can go to the below link in the near future to get the recorded call….it is not available yet but the administrator says he will have it up ASAP

    We are building assemblies across the country….nothing is secret….the next call will be on Tuesday at the same freedom radio or you can call in at….
    (321) 354 – 6946…..169470#

    This is our chance to end the corruption folks….go to the below link and sign up to work in your states assembly…..then also check out the links I provided with the “Charter” which is still being tweaked and the Tests that Dr. Livingston has developed to take back our courts and the judicial system… is fantastic…..
    on the left side you can click on RAP and sign up to work in your assembly…..all are welcome….spread the word…..

    Dr. Livingston’s work below….

    Let’s UNITE people and get er’ done!!

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